Tough Bone Density Machine - The GE Achilles Video!


A customer sent in a GE Achilles portable bone density ultrasonometer to us in bad shape - the machine hadn't been maintained properly, and at some point had been dropped. It was pretty banged up. But these popular peripheral bone densitometers are tough.

After a few hours of TLC, top-notch service, and careful testing, this serviceable road warrior was worki...

Important Records to Keep with your Medical Equipment

Don't Lose that FDA Form!

We get calls every week from past and current customers in a panic over paperwork. A Department of Health inspector has dropped in, and wants to see a copies of the 2579 form for the c-arm and the bone densitometer. A state Department of Revenue auditor is asking who paid the sales tax on the refurbished CT scanner the facility leased three years a...
