Toshiba Vantage Titan 1.5T MRI

Toshiba Vantage Titan 1.5T MRI
anrufen 800-722-3646 | 239-454-9555
2009 Model. 16 Channels 1.5T Wide-Bore Magnet, Software and Computer Upgraded in July 2014, Gradient Strength 30mt/M, Slew Rate 130, Software Level V2.31*R005. Software Options include FSE, Turbo, MRA, EPI, 3D, Diffusion, Neuro, Perfusion, Motion Correction, Non-Contrast Angio. Coils Incude: Head Coil, Neck Coil, Spine coil, Torso Coil, Knee Coil, Shoulder Coil, Neurovascular Coil, 2 Flex Loop Coils. Chiller, Good working condition and appearance. Currently Under Service with Toshiba.
Jahr | 2009 |
Zustand | Gebraucht |