GE 64 Slice Discovery HD 750 CT Scanner with ASIR

GE 64 Slice Discovery HD 750 CT Scanner with ASIR


2012 Model. 64-Slice Discovery HD750 CT Scanner with ASIR (Dose Reduction). VCT Z400 Computer, SW version: 11MW44.11, Perseus X-Ray Tube (2017). Software options: 3000 Image Series, ASIR, Auto Filter and Transfer, AutomA, Connect Pro, Copy Composer, Data Export, Direct MPR, Dynamic Z-axis Tracking, Exam Split, High Resolution, Neuro Filter, Patient 64 slice, Smart Prep, VCT Hi Power, Xtream Recon, Sub 0.4 Second Scan, Smart Score Pro, Volume Viewer, EKG Viewer, CardIQ SnapShot, AutoBone, DentaScan, Noise Reduction Filter, Axial Shuttle, Smart Step, CardIQ SnapShot Cine, SnapShot Assist, SnapShot Assist Temporal Enhance, Helical Shuttle, Overlapped Recon – Axis. Available Now.  Call or Email for more details.
Software Version 11MW44.11.V40, HD 1700 Patient Table, Advantage Workstation with Volumeshare 4, GSI Viewer, SmartPrep, Auto Ma, 3000 Image Series, Connect Pro, Direct-MPR, Exam Split, Data Export, Copy Composer, Neurofilter, Auto Filter & Transfer, Sub -0.4 second scan, Gemstone Spectral Imaging, ASIR, Xtream Recon, VCT-HI-POWER, High Resolution, SmartScore Pro, CardIQ SnapShot Cine, CardIQ SnapShot, Axial Shuttle, Noise Reduction Filter, EKG Viewer, Helical Shuttle, Dynamic Z-Axis Tracking, Over Lapped Recon-Axial, Enhanced GSI.

