Perform-X DR ATC

Perform-X DR ATC


The Perform-X HF floor-mounted DR systems are one of the most advanced radiographic systems manufactured and offered by Control-X. The various system configurations allow for a completely customized X-ray system built meeting your imaging needs. The choice of generator power options and upgrade features makes the Perform-X HF Radiographic Systems your logical choice for affordable, high quality, high performance and durable DR systems.


Rotational tube stand (ts 99 rn/rtn):Optional
Transverse arm movement (ts 99 t/rtn):Optional
Tube stand floor rail:2400 mm (94.5") Optional long rail is 3600 mm (11' 9.7")
Fixed horizontal sid (no floor rail):N/A
Tube stand ceiling/wall rail:Recommended in case of TS 99 RTN
Wall bucky tilting movementOptional, -20 to 90° (manual or motorized)
Wall bucky cassette/grid load orientation:Left or right (field selectable)
Patient table:Fixed height 4-way floating top
Wall receptor grid  (density matching receptor type):Fixed or removable / Oscillating or non-oscillating Focal range: 1000-1800 mm (40-72")
Table receptor grid  (density matching receptor type):Fixed or removable / Oscillating or non-oscillating Focal distance: 1000 mm (40")
Aec detector:Optional (Ion chamber or solid state)
Digital sid / tube incline display:Optional
Receptor type:Film / CR cassette or digital flat panel
Wireless remote controller:Bluotooth controller with rechargeable Li-ion battery
Generator:Milestone LC or Milestone 200 generator family (100 or 200 kHz 32 to 80 kW)
Certificates:CE certificate & FDA approval
