2004 Faxitron MX20

2004 Faxitron MX20


The easy-to-operate MX20 is utilized in scientific laboratories worldwide to produce highly detailed radiographs of many various types of samples.
The entire system – consisting of a self-contained x-ray unit, workstation, monitor, mouse and keyboard – can be located directly on a lab bench top or housed on a heavy duty mobile cart, depending on your facility and work flow requirements.
The <20 μm focal spot and 5X geometric magnification provide up to 50 lp/mm resolution images.
Features & Benefits:
No additional x-ray shielding required
No specialized x-ray knowledge needed to operate
Plugs into any standard A/C outlet
Entire system (on cart) powered on with single button for ease-of-use
Single click calibration for simple, error-free calibration
No re-calibration or restarting required after transport
Stainless steel inner chamber designed for easy cleaning and disinfection
Laser centering guide ensures proper sample positioning
One button operation with Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) for optimal image quality (manual exposure settings also available)
Images instantaneously displayed on monitor
2004 Faxitron MX20

