
Why You Need To Schedule Preventative Maintenance Now!

Preventative maintenance is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your equipment is running at peak efficiency at all times. After spending the time and money to have equipment...

Digital X-Ray Upgrades & Retro-Fits: Increasing Through-Put

The decison for most healthcare facilities to "go digital" happened years ago. That said, there are many places that we speak to on a weekly basis that are still struggling to manage daily patient ...

Is Your Contrast-Media Injector Happy? Yearly Calibrations for CT, MRI and Cath/Angio

We like to keep Contrast Injectors happy since they play such a critical role in imaging. Yearly Preventive Maintenance (PMs) and calibrations on Contrast-Media Injectors are important, and should ...

Siemens Espree 1.5T MRI is STILL #1 in Refurbished MRI's

For perhaps the last 4-5 years, the number one requested MRI on the used and refurbished equipment market is the Siemens Widebore, High-Field MRI-- the Somatom Espree.

The Espree has a wide 70cm b...

IntegrityMed TV? Yes we have videos!

We have a very enthusiastic and telegenic young staff who love to show off each imaging system that comes through our doors. We call the videos they make IntegrityMed TV ! Click here to check out t...

Integrity Client Buys 2nd GEMSS Spinel-3G C-Arm-- Installed January 2017

The new GEMSS (previously Comed) C-Arm, the Spinel-3G is a fantastic C-Arm, with great image quality at at half the price of a new GE 9900.

Our clients in Pennsylvania are big fans of the equipmen...