GE LightSpeed Pro 16

GE LightSpeed Pro 16
Refurbished by GE Goldseal. 16 slice system, 6.3 MHU Performix X-Ray Tube; XR-29 Compliant, Hilight Matrix II Detector, 400lb table weight limit, 70cm aperture, tilt +/- 30, Rotation speeds 0.5 to 4.0 secs, KV range 80 100 120 140, mA range 10 to 420, 24 detector rows, 16x1.25mm, Volara DAS, SmartPrep, SmartSpeed, Direct 3D, Direct MPR, Data Export Copy Composer, Neuro Filter, ConnectPor, BarCode Reader, Voume Viewer, 2-19" monitors, 35cm IQ phantom, 48cm IQ phantom, QA phantom, UPS, ASIR. Available now.
Condition | Used |