GE Optima MR360 1.5T 16CH

GE Optima MR360 1.5T 16CH


Installed in 2013 RF Version (Xreceiver / Ychannels) Gradient Version : XFD 33/100 Software: SV25.0 New Cover Design OPTIONS : Chemical Swift, Optima Mr360, Phase Imaging Technique, express Spine Annotation, Three Plane Localizer, TRICKS, IP Protection, extreme Performance gradient, Smart Prep, SPECIAL, SSFSE, SSFSE MRCP, T2Star Weighted Angiograhpy, T2MAP, ProbePress, PROPELLER, DW PROPELLER, T1 flair PROPELLER, T2 PROPELLER, T2 Flair PROPELLER, Quickstep, 3D MERGE, multi-echo fgre, Multi-Phase (variable delays), Phase Contrast Vascular Imaging, Probe 3d Brain, Probe 2000 Upgrade, ProbePRESS, iDrive, iDRIVE Pro, Inhace DeltaFlow, Inhance 2D Inflow, Inhance 3D Velocity, Inhance 3D Inflow IR, Lava, LAVA-DE, LAVA-XV, 2D MERGE, FLAIR 3D, FLAIR EPI, Flow Analysis, 3DFRFSE, Fast Spin Echo and FLAIR, FSE_XL, Fluoro-triggered MRA, Time of Flight, Modality Worklist, IDEAL, E3DTOF, Enhanced DWI, Echo Planar Imaging, Fastcine, Fast gradient Echo, Fiesta 2D, 2D Fat Sat Fiesta, Fiesta 3D, 3D Fat Sat FIESTA, FIESTA-c, Cine, COSMIC, Cube T2, 3D Dual Echo, DW EPI, ARC, 3D ASL, Asset, Blood Flow and Volume Measurements, Bloodsupp, BRAVO, BREAST2 COILS : -1.5 4CH LARGE FLEX COIL -GE 8CH FOOT ANKLE COIL ASSEMBLY, -1.5T 4CH SMALL FLEX COIL, -1.5T 12 CH POSTERIOR BODY ARRA, -1.5T BRAIN SPINE FRU, -HD HEAD NECK AND SPINE COIL, -1.5T split Head Coil -COIL SHOULDER PHASED ARRAY, -COIL EXTREM. HD KNEE ARRAY, -COIL CARDIAC 12CH BODY SNGL ANT -HD T/R QUAD EXTREMITY COIL A proven, highly homogeneous 1.5T magnet, 33/100 gradient performance and new OpTix RF technology. Optix RF for better signal clarity and signal intensity—to acquire cleaner, crisper images1 Express Coil, which minimizes the distance between patients and coils to improve coverage and depth of penetration. Efficient gradient, new electronics design and innovative water-cooling for energy-efficient operation. Two table designs: A fixed table with Express Coil technology enables easy positioning and high throughput; a detachable table with dedicated coils that help optimize image quality. Ready interface, a user-friendly control center that optimizes scan parameters in fewer steps. Automated Ready Brain, an acquisition technique that automatically determines slice alignment for brain scans to help improve technician productivity. Intuitive Ready Bar control, which replaces 30 complex inputs with a single control. Advanced clinical software applications that include IDEAL, Cube, SWAN, PROPELLER 2.0, the Inhance suite of non-contrast MRA, and more.

