GE Lightspeed VCT 64 Slice CT Scanner

GE Lightspeed VCT 64 Slice CT Scanner
Appelez 800-722-3646 | 239-454-9555
Lightspeed VCT 64
DOM 2005
Hercules Tube
Tube Installed 2016
Console Type GOC 5
Sotware Options-VCT Hi-Power, Patient 64, Smart Prep, AutomA, 3000 Image Series, Connect Pro, Direct-MPR, Data Export, Copy Composer, Smart Step, Neuro Filter, Auto Filter and Transfer, VCT-85KW Power, Dynamic Z-Axis Tracking
This unprecedented coverage speed allows clinicians to capture whole organs in a second, the heart in 5 beats, or go head to toe in under 10 seconds — faster than any other CT scanner on the market today.
With breakthroughs in technology, comes the opportunity for new and dynamically enhanced procedures, such as:
— 5-Beat Cardiac™ – a comprehensive view of the heart and coronary arteries with submillimeter resolution in 5 seconds. The coverage possible helps reduce beat-to-beat variability resulting in more robust, repeatable procedures, greater vessel visualization and shorter breath holds for sick patients.
— Triple RuleOut™ – the ability to help clinicians rule out (or in) the three most life-threatening critical conditions in chest pain in one single scan – aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism and coronary artery disease.
— Stroke WorkUp – the ability to dynamically acquire both anatomy and perfusion/blood flow to the brain in a cine scan.
DOM 2005
Hercules Tube
Tube Installed 2016
Console Type GOC 5
Sotware Options-VCT Hi-Power, Patient 64, Smart Prep, AutomA, 3000 Image Series, Connect Pro, Direct-MPR, Data Export, Copy Composer, Smart Step, Neuro Filter, Auto Filter and Transfer, VCT-85KW Power, Dynamic Z-Axis Tracking
This unprecedented coverage speed allows clinicians to capture whole organs in a second, the heart in 5 beats, or go head to toe in under 10 seconds — faster than any other CT scanner on the market today.
With breakthroughs in technology, comes the opportunity for new and dynamically enhanced procedures, such as:
— 5-Beat Cardiac™ – a comprehensive view of the heart and coronary arteries with submillimeter resolution in 5 seconds. The coverage possible helps reduce beat-to-beat variability resulting in more robust, repeatable procedures, greater vessel visualization and shorter breath holds for sick patients.
— Triple RuleOut™ – the ability to help clinicians rule out (or in) the three most life-threatening critical conditions in chest pain in one single scan – aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism and coronary artery disease.
— Stroke WorkUp – the ability to dynamically acquire both anatomy and perfusion/blood flow to the brain in a cine scan.
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