The decison for most healthcare facilities to "go digital" happened years ago. That said, there are many places that we speak to on a weekly basis that are still struggling to manage daily patient throughput with 1st Generation digital X-ray.  

A new Wireless DR Plate can help you speed up all procedures.

What this means is that some facilities are still using an older CR unit that has become slower, and less reliable. Or the practice is using a 1st generation DR Plate system that is feeling its age. Inexpensive solutions might be as simple as upgrading to a faster CR unit, or replacing your fixed/tethered DR with a wireless sytem.

A used/refurbished U-Arm system is sometimes the answer to increasing throughput.

More extensive solutions would be to go with a complete, new U-Arm X-Ray system, or to just get rid of your CR altogether, and going straight to a wireless DR Plate.

The reception of high quality images is a guaranty that your X-ray department with be competitive.

Regardless of what solution you are seeking, prices have fallen considerably over the last few years, and the number of options have only increased. For a full list of possible options, check out this link. Or call Integrity Medical at 800-722-3646 today for affordable solutions.